Sunday, October 30, 2011

Corie & Greatwalls @ San Francisco


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pauline & Ashik @ San Francisco

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fort Point

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dorothy And Me

Two days ago I watched a movie called "Marley And Me (2008)". I was stunned, I was shocked, I was touched. Sometimes I have taken many things for granted, including my best buddy here. Counting with my fingers, she has been with me for 11 years now. I know I can never find a better dog. She is a great dog. You know, what made her such a great dog, is she loved us everyday, no matter what.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why Social Work?

Many times social work isn't just the funniest and most rewarding career in the world. And I have to admit, it is one of the lowest paying job on the market since the very beginning. Where do I get my intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that keep me in this field? I must say that within the last few years, there were times I received the "thank you" notes from my old clients. They are the reasons I am still in this field.

Here I am sharing a note from one of my old client, who I first met three years ago.

"Hey Kelvin, how are you doing?

Do you remember me from Mission high school? I stumbled upon the email when I first contacted you through email about what (at the time was the "best" decision) I was going to do. Seeing that 3 years ago and 3 years later is kinda funny to me now, because I'm no longer with the girlfriend at that time and I'm more focused on my Army career and its going quite well. I have also started to take college classes and that's fun since I have to juggle that with my usual work day and plus getting ready for a deployment to Afghanistan. But more importantly I wanted to thank you for the sessions you were able to provide me, it helped me sort my life out the way it needed to be 3 years ago and it paid off Today if not it paid off the moment I completed basic training.

For that I thank you and appreciate what you have done for me, I hope that other people are fortunate enough to be able meet you and have a chat with you."

Above is a portrait photo I took for one of my social work peers when I was at CYC.

Friday, September 09, 2011

lightning - bay area

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Tracy - Emerville

Saturday, August 06, 2011


A quote from a friend on my FB: "Everyone knows Amy Winehouse died!!! Who is Justin Allen 23, Brett Linley 29, Matthew Weikert 29, Justus Bartett 27, Dave Santos 21, Jesse Reed 26, Matthew Johnson 21, Zachary Fisher 24, Brandon King 23, Christopher Goeke 23, and Sheldon Tate 27? They are U.S military service members, heros who gave their lives this week for you. There is no media for them... not even a mention of their names."

In silent memory of these American heros, with my solemn salute to them. Because of their sacrifices, so we can live. They will never be forgotten.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

夏午 @ Hakone

This summer we can barely see the sun out in San Francisco. Although we cannot complain about the probably-most-comfortable-climate here in the world, we know this is not what summer is all about. Sometimes, we still want to visit places where we can touch and feel the light and heat from the sun. It was a pleasantly warm afternoon, thus we decided to put on our comfort wear and enjoy some sunshine in the south bay. That day, we went to Hakone Gardens at Saratoga. A fabulous weather, and I, was with a gorgeous woman....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sean, a playful day

Tonight, when I was processing these photo and writing my new blog post, the little one in these photo kept asking me to play with him. It took me longer than expected to finish these photo. Yet, he made my day. I enjoyed the blue sky, the sound of the ocean, the laughs and taste of the sunshine. And, I must say I am glad I took my camera with me today to capture such a playful moment.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

愛侶, 就像一棵蘆薈

女性好友最近遇上了和先生婚後的溝通問題, 在雙方不懂得處理中, 感情變得每況愈下.
雖然她用盡了一切方法, 自己也很努力想重拾往昔親密關係, 但對方的不協調, 令她情緒低落.
朋友抱怨自己男人如何未盡一個先生本份, 不會關心家庭, 也不會對她做窩心的事.
於是, 她選擇和他"單挑" - 面對面把所有問題一次過搬出來談判, 期望會得到一個解決方案. 可惜, 事與願違.
我給了她一個小建議, 就是除了雙方要努力去面對衝突, 解決問題本身的方式也非常重要.
朋友聽了我的分析後大感驚訝. 原來自己過往用來處理問題的方法強硬, 可能是令對方越走越遠的原因.
而我, 最近為了結婚籌備, 所以約見了牧師師母. 師母見到我們的時候, 送上了一盆蘆薈.
她解釋說, 蘆薈就像夫妻關係中的另一方. 有時候誤碰對方身上的刺它可能會把妳擦傷, 但蘆薈的心有治療的作用.
當你受傷的時候, 她的治療才是你的良藥.

Friday, July 22, 2011


「我的成就是從每天努力做好手邊的事情逐漸累積而成。」美國脫口秀節目主持人 強尼卡森

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


難得有機會和一班愛影之人到處拍攝留影, 一同有可以交流自己的影相心得, 心情當然歡喜躍騰. 原本一行人五個, 雖然最後有兩個不能參與, 心情是有點失望. 但同Rona和Leo Chan影了一個下午, 除了談到各種各樣的攝影器材外, 還認識到Rona對攝影的熱情, 和Leo對拍攝的執著.

開始的時候我們沒有預備一個拍攝的地方, 只是想到處隨便影影. 最後我提意到Legion of Honor, 一個位於三藩市Richmond區有古希臘建築的博物館, 當然也是一個新婚拍照留住美好一刻常到的勝地. 當天天氣算是不好, 所以相片比較偏黃. 其實我還有一個祕密, 就是我用我的相機去拍下陌生人的表情, 神態, 身體語言動作, 多於景點本身.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011


對上一次參觀這座太空科學館已經是好多年前的事. 當時表妹Ivy剛移民來到美國, 沒有帶她到甚麼名勝景點, 就一起來過這裡一趟. 那天是一個夜晚, 所以我們可以透過大型望遠鏡看天上的星群. 這次的重遊, 身邊多了一個小依人. 時間是白天, 所以可以參觀館內的設施和劇院.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. - Elie Wiesel.

如果生命只剩下一個月, 你會不會更珍惜每一個日出日落, 更去用心去愛你身邊愛你和你愛的人, 不會再矚目於瑣碎的事上, 而全心全意地去過上帝所喜悅的日子? 這是我最近在讀的一本書想要帶出的一個問題, 書的名字叫做 One Month to Live.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


整理一下最近的相片資料夾, 發現有一些前幾天預備午餐時拍下的相片還未有和大家分享. 所以我想在還沒有被遺忘時post一下. 當時在廚房裡我用我的長鏡和爐頭上的油煙火拼了一場, 最後就記錄了這一刻. 雖然說是家常便菜, 但預備的人可以將如此普通的一道菜做得如此吸引, 味道的好我就不用多說了. 話說回頭, 其實在烹飪其間留影還不是經常會做的事, 但每次從看這組照片時, 都會讓我非常懷念當天用過的午餐.

話就不說太多了, 看圖吧.

Monday, June 20, 2011


差不多每天開車或者走路都會經過在市中心的一個角落, 原來一年多前就已經出現了一個市區中的農場, 自己卻一直未有去刻意打訪. 每天繁忙過活的我, 是時間從新再細察生活小事了.